Jay Shirley

Striving to be a man of gallantry and taste

Blogging Is Hard.

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I made a deal with myself about writing. I would write two posts a week. By post I meant a public post. I would try to write at least every day. In the last few weeks, however, I’ve been writing privately. Only. And even that, at most twice a week.

I need to get back to writing publicly. I stopped because I got distracted, amusingly, on a project to help me meet my goals.

I’ve been rather consumed by this project. It’s been a learning exercise, with most large chunks taken out of it on the weekend. During the week were small bug fixes and research.

I’m pretty proud of it. Not because it looks good, because it doesn’t, but because it functions well and is an application I will use daily.

Now that it’s largely stable, I can focus on the user experience more and polishing that aspect of things. Then I can release it publicly, and hope to help others meet their goals.

For now, I’ll just be happy if I can resume writing my two posts a week.

Blogging is hard, let’s go programming.
